Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Side Project

So, I think that this would be fun.  One of the things I alluded to in my last post regarding human nature both in plays and in writing plays was:

"I wonder what people would think if guys/girls suddenly did speak similarly to this.  Would they be freaked out, or would they really enjoy it?  Maybe we should try it out.  :)  We could even record the statistics and turn it into a math thing.  That'd be fun."

So, I really think that I'd like to do that.  If anybody could help me out with that by helping me compile a list of romantic sayings in Shakespeare throughout all his plays, that would be much appreciated.  Afterwards, it'll be great to get a group together and try those out on people in a natural way.  We could record what the reactions are numerically somehow, because I'd like to do some statistical analysis on that.  We could see how well these lines will relate to people today.  I'll go over the logistics of that a bit more so we can record data more efficiently.

What does everybody think?  If it is successful, we can try it out with other genres too.


  1. I can really see this being hilarious. I for one would really enjoy this, though some people might be creeped out...
    I suggest a good doc for compiling the list!

  2. Ok so I talked about this in class and on my blog, but if some guy told me I was myself a dowry I'd be impressed...

    1. this could be a really fun idea. There are already publications of Shakespearean love books. That's not a problem to find, the question would be how would you do it? Would you just go into the Cougar Eat and just start hitting on all the women that pass by? or would there be something else to it?
