Monday, February 6, 2012

Learning Outcomes Check-up

Here's a quick check-up on how I feel I am doing according to our class learning outcomes:

1.  Gain Shakespeare Literacy
          I feel like I have done pretty well in this aspect.  I understand a lot more of Shakespeare now than I did before taking this class, and as we go over different parts of the play each class I feel like I have a better and better understanding of what's actually going on and why so many people do like Shakespeare.
2.  Analyze Shakespeare Critically
          This is definitely something I feel I can work on more.  As we discussed in our last class, our reviews weren't necessarily the best.  I still have something coming from that where I plan to talk to one of the actors about what went into making the play, but I definitely feel like I can delve deeper into different aspects of each play a lot better than I do at the moment.
3.  Engage Shakespeare Creatively
          I haven't done enough for this yet.  I do want to do a recording of myself with some lines.  Before it was suggested in our last class I had thought it would be something fun to do (immediately following having us try to read Hamlet's soliloquy over in "Denmark").  There's also the project to think about, although as of yet I don't have any solid plans for it.  This is something I really look forward to doing more in the future, but I suppose I need to sit down and get some solid direction before I can really sink my teeth into it.
4.  Share Shakespeare Meaningfully
          This is something that I have tried to do a bit.  I have definitely brought up Shakespeare a lot more this semester than ever before (especially since before this class I NEVER brought it up).  Usually, the people I mention it too aren't interested, but sometimes they are.  For example, I did go the the play with somebody, and in the future she said she would show me some of the movies that she likes that are based on Shakespeare's plays and I planned to blog about those times too.
5.  Gain Digital Literacy
          The blog itself, of course, is a big part of this one.  How have I done?  At the beginning, I was just getting into blogging, so it was pretty slow.  Then I had a week or week and a half where I posted a lot.  And then midterms came and it pretty much came to a halt.  So overall, I think I've only done an average job of this and I should really set some times aside to blog every week so I don't fall into the rut I am now (hopefully) out of.  That way I won't slack again next time midterms roll around.

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