Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Final Project Idea

So, I had wanted to start on it, but our class discussion sparked an idea for something to write about.  Instead of a skeleton of a script written up, I have nothing.  Here's a simple outline though.  What does everybody think?  (For those not involved in our class discussion, we talked a bit about coming up with something like a "lost play" or something like that and developing it.  We talked a bit about running with Aubrie's idea here: Final Project Idea.)

First, I figured the main character could be Puck.  (Yes, I had just read A Midsummer Night's Dream.  It was fresh on my mind.)

Second, (I don't know why--maybe because because it had just been Valentine's Day) I thought we could possibly do something along the lines of Puck has girl-->Puck loses girl (break-up, tragic death, etc.).

Third, Puck develops a "black humour."  So, basically, he bleakly does his tasks and overall depresses Oberon to the point where he is told to go shape up.  So he goes to see the doctor or a wise man, or something like that.  Here, he is told to de-stress and get a hobby.  Suggestions could be tennis, chasing after girls (which obviously won't work this was the cause, but the "expert" could joke around with things like not actually catching them or doing a "catch-and-release" like fishing--something like that, depends on the person's character, etc. ...I hope the girls aren't too mad about that...), etc.

Fourth, Puck decides to go to the "local guru" of pranks.  This happens to be Ariel.  He is given some tasks--mostly the ones actually mentioned when Puck first appears in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

By the end, Puck can be the Puck we know is Shakespeare's play.

So, it's just a thought right now but I think that we could have some fun in this play, and we can tie in comedy at the end with some possible tragedy at the beginning in order to get a good feel for dealing with a variety of Shakespeare's works.

What does everybody think about that???


  1. This seems like a pretty good idea. Puck and Ariel are two of my favorite Shakepseare characters. I love the idea of an fairy being interfering with mortal lives. Puck is the charming trickster, full of mischief, while Ariel is the trapped bird, longing for freedom, which he finally gets. Both are wild and magical, and I wonder what Ariel is like once he is free?.

  2. I like it! Hehehe, what if.......Puck's story turns into a tragedy and everyone died at the end??? I bet no one would be expecting that!

  3. I like this! I think there are a lot of fun things you could do with it, especially with the "humor" aspect. I was brainstorming about this as well, sortof piggy-backing off of what you said, and I think it might be fun to maybe do something with Puck using his "trickster" ways to maybe mess with some other people's relationships... that could be really funny. Just a thought. Mostly I thought of this because I was reading about the myth of Hero & Leander, which is referenced in As You Like It, and how that relates to the term "Star-crossed lovers" (which was coined in Romeo & Juliet.) Star-Crossed would be a fun title, too. Just more thoughts!

  4. Oh my gosh, this is all sounding really good! I would be happy to add music to this, too; I already have some tunes written--there's a fun, upbeat theme that could be used in prankish parts, as well as one that's mysterious/ambiguous/beautiful that could be used for a more serious part. By the way, I like the title "Star-Crossed" as well.

  5. That all sounds really good everybody! Especially the music Moriah, that'd be really great. I'm sure we'll be talking about it more, so let's keep in touch about it!
