Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I think I'm a little behind...

So, I've heard we have a wiki where we are collaborating for our final project. Where is that exactly?

Anyway, I am definitely behind the times.  Thank you Emily for trying to catch me up. In your email to me, you mentioned how we wanted a background story for Puck, tying it into an Aladdin-esque theme. So, how about this?

Aladdin was an orphan, so we can say that Puck was found in the forest as a young one. He was reared by a fairy under Oberon (so a slightly better life than Aladdin--we could also just have him live alone until he is older and that is why he likes pranks so much-->because he's finally around people or something like that), and this fairy is a very humorous fairy. His life beforehand is largely a mystery--he was found with absolutely nothing but the clothes on his back, and he was too young to remember much. He is happier now though. Perhaps he had some memories of a bad domestic influence in his early years. But we'll never know.  Such is the life of us peons.

Anyway, we need a love interest.  And an unrequited one at that. So, perhaps we could have a fairy friend of Puck who totally digs him.  But he sees her more as a sister the entire time, and also doesn't want to mess up their friendship at all (maybe another friend dated a close friend and it ruined their relationship recently). Anyway, since he had some bad upbringing pre-Oberon, maybe he doesn't want to lose the warmth of such a good relationship. Also, Puck has his eye on a high-standing fairy, as per my original idea. She is a pretty amazing fairy, and she is also very influential. But, as he is a low-standing fairy, he doesn't have a chance to catch her eye. So, we can have a bit of a chase going on here.

This is only something that I am thinking of as I type, so it could definitely be improved. And I have no idea what we have already done.  So I apologize if there are any repeats or anything I wrote was already discussed.

So, again, I know that this is pretty bad. But I'm just throwing it all up here in order to get the creative juices flowing. Once I have a better understanding of what direction we are heading in, I'll be able to focus it better and drastically improve the quality.  As it is now, though, I do not have any idea what we are shooting for. I am sailing without a compass as it where.

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