Thursday, January 5, 2012

It starts...

So, this semester I am taking a class on Shakespeare's works.  I'm really excited about it too.  I think it will be a very good counter-balance to my math-heavy schedule, and I've always enjoyed the stories in plays.  While I am by no means a thespian, it will be nice to discuss the plays that we either read or watch as a class, and it seems like it is really set up to have fun and enjoy the works of Shakespeare.  Again, this is a very nice change from many other classes that are set up with very specific goals.  Here, we get a lot more freedom.  It reminds me of a drawing class I took in high school: we listened to music, had flexible deadlines, and had a whole lot of fun.  I've also thought about how an attitude similar to this could really help a lot of students in math classes.  Whenever I feel uptight about something, I really lose desire to do any of the required work.

Anyway, that's just me kind of throwing in a few thoughts about this.  All in all, I really look forward to this experience and being able to learn more about Shakespeare's works, how to understand them, and then being able to better articulate my thoughts.


  1. I'm delighted to have someone from math in the class. You will provide a great perspective. Thanks for getting up and going.

  2. I love the freedom that we have in this class too. I think it will cultivate some really amazing ideas and projects for all of us to enjoy. :)
